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Please take a look at some of the products I sell online.
If there is anything you would like to purchase, click on the contact page link and e-mail me with your requests. Also, if there is something not offered here that you would like, please let me know.

Turquoise Beads Strings
A picture of Turquoise Beads a string ,We have available Beads in many gems such as Topaz,Aqamarine,Peridot,Amethyst,Flourite,Quartz,Jade,Kunzite,Tourmaline Etc.
Pink Flourite Specimen
Pink Flourite Specimen that occur at the Top of about 8000 feet tall at Gilgit,North of Paksitan.With Good color mostly Decortions occur there,while there in Afghanistan there are many of Colors that mostly use Rough for Cutting.